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       Propisochlor is an aniline herbicide used to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in fields of corn, soybeans, sugarcane, peanuts and sunflower. It is a selective systemic herbici...

Product name: Propisochlor
CAS No.: 86763-47-5
Molecular formula: C15H22ClNO2
Molecular weight: 283.79
Chemical structure: 

Physical and chemical properties:
The pure Propisochlor is colorless liquid, Propisochlor technical is brown liquid. m.p. 21.6℃, the gravity is 1.097g/cm3. Solubility in water: 184mg/L (25℃); it is steadily soluble in most organic solvents. This material is stable at normal temperature and normal pressure. It will be stable in neutral, slight acidic or slight basic conditions.
The acute oral LD50 for rats is 3430mg/kg, the acute dermal LD50 is >2000mg/kg in rats. It is slightly irritant to skin and eye. 
Propisochlor is an aniline herbicide used to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in fields of corn, soybeans, sugarcane, peanuts and sunflower. It is a selective systemic herbicide used before emergence.
Product specification:
95%TC (225kg drums)

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